Friday, April 04, 2003

When i heard that 77 billion dollars are going to be spent to "prosecute" the war in Iraq, i was just floored. If the US government could find 77 billion in the midst of a recession to fight an unecessary war, why didnt they spend it on solving the Palestinian issue. I have to say, 77 billion would go a long way towards creating infrastructure, jobs, and stability in the occupied territories. For god's sake, even if we gave the 77 billion to the Israelis just to give up their claims to the west bank and golan heights, it would be worth it... Solving the Palestinian issue, essentially relieving Israel's obligation to be the perennial bad guy, would probably do more to end international terrorism of the Islamic radical sort than taking knocking out Saddam ever could. Look at Egypt, we got the type of leader we wanted there, but has it stemmed the terrorist tide? no. its not the governments of these countries that are funding the terrorists, and its not the armies that are joining al-quaeda training camps. It is the poor, uneducated, misinformed youth who see the daily misery of the palestinian people as a personal affront to them.

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